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Tag: Auto Insurance

Will Your Auto Insurance Cover Your Passengers?

The Holidays are the time for good cheer, family togetherness, and road trips. Unfortunately, the holiday season (particularly Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve) is one of the most dangerous times to be on the road. Heavy traffic, fewer daylight hours, colder temperatures, holiday alcohol consumption, and increased chances of rain, snow, and freezing weather make road trips during the holidays riskier for both you...

Are You Paying Too Much For Your Car Insurance?

Are You Paying Too Much For Your Car Insurance?

Like food, housing, and medical care, car insurance is a necessity of life in the 21st Century. At a bare minimum, nearly every state in the U.S. has enacted mandatory liability car insurance laws for all drivers. On top of that, a new car is a significant investment that most owners want to protect with comprehensive and collision coverage. Unfortunately, many people today are leaving...

Will Your Auto Insurance Cover Your Passengers?

Will Your Auto Insurance Cover Your Passengers?

Although no road trip can be completely risk-free, driver diligence can help prevent accidents. As the driver, there are steps you can take to help ensure you and your passengers remain safe. If the worst happens and an unpreventable accident occurs, your passengers will be covered – provided you have the right auto insurance policy. What You Can Do to Help Keep Your Passengers Safe...